Believe in Yourself 👉You can make it🏆
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Mental Health and Well Being Habits 🙂
Are you managing your work life balance? Do you love your life?
Adopting certain habits gives one a competitive advantage 👉 turning an average performer into a high performer. High performers have simply mastered habits that matter most in reaching and sustaining long-term success in business and their lives ⭐️🆗🙂
👉Many of us may be feeling anxious and overwhelmed, sad, calm, stressed, confused, bored lonely, or all of these things at the same time.
🌈To help us cope, let’s each build a well being plan for ourselves, our families and maybe even for our teams in our business.
Here are some basic simple well being habits:
✴️Tip 1: Stick to routines or start new ones
Get up and go to sleep at a regular time. Get dressed, make your bed, exercise, keep up your hygiene standards, have breakfast. If you have a family, involve the children so that you have a family plan.
✴️Tip 2: Stay Connected.
Have video chats with your friends and colleagues. Open up about how you’re feeling and ask others how they are feeling. Check in with colleagues regularly, especially those who are alone.
✴️Tip 3: Engage in hobbies and things that you enjoy.
Read, sing, do puzzles, explore new recipes, sew, knit, sign up for new studies/courses.
✴️Tip 4: Set up a “Worry Window”
Write down all your worries though out the day and give yourself permission to only think about them at a specific time of the day. It’s a well known technique and it works.
✴️Tip 5: Engage in well being practices
🆗Exercise every day – make a plan for yourself, even if you just start off walking around the block. If you are able, choose a place that is safe and also gives you joy and peace.
🆗Keep a gratitude journal by writing down 3 things you are grateful for every day.
🆗Use meditation and mindfulness apps.
🆗Congratulate yourself and others on having a great day!
👉Remember lots of things have not been cancelled, like… music, reading, singing, laughing, dancing and HOPE.
Make sure YOU enjoy them🙂
🙂There are many places that I love to exercise so that I maintain a healthy life work balance. Jogging around Albert Park Lake is just one of the places that I have chosen because it is peaceful, has beautiful green grass 🌳trees, birds 🦜water, and above all – it is a safe place with like minded people.
🦆Over the last two years, 2 pairs of Pekin or White Pekin ducks (an American breed of domestic duck) have lived at the lake and over the last 4 months sadly only one white duck has remained. Today I noticed the lonely white duck has been joined by a green duck with a white bill. In all my research regarding Australian ducks – I cannot find any examples of the green duck with a white bill that is in my video & photo. I would appreciate it if a reader can give me some more information.

Mortgage Broker Mentor – Positive Self Awareness 4U☝️
Working hard in your job or business, looking after your customers and noticing the months quickly rolling by? To help you stay grounded and focused, let’s consider Positive Self Awareness for ☝️ YOU 👉 feeding your soul.
Instead of just dealing with the mind, how do you build a relationship with your self awareness and the sensation inside your body so that you teach your body how to metabolise energy that comes into your body at the same rate that it goes out: therefore staying in a neutral state which enables you to positively manage the ups and downs of life. 🤔👉
Here are a few ways that you can build Positive Self Awareness within yourself which do not include rewarding yourself with food, alcohol, drugs, cigarettes, holidays, purchasing something to make you feel good.
🌼Jump up and down and feel the joy in doing so. When last did you actually do this? Try it and you might be surprised how energised you feel.✅👉
🌼Take the time to purposefully go to places you enjoy breathing in the scent of something eg: scented flower garden, the salty smell of the sea✅👉
🌼Take the time to stop and immerse yourself in surroundings that sound good to you eg: listening to the waves in the ocean, the leaves blowing in the trees, birds singing, your favourite music✅👉
🌼Take the time to stop and look at something that makes you feel good inside eg: garden of sunflowers, view of the landscape✅👉
Whilst doing these activities always have a positive attitude and transform any negative thoughts into positive thoughts. Your positive thoughts will lead to positive feelings and will feed your soul. 💥✅☝️
I love my live❣️ 👉 Love your life❣️

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