Mentoring is about helping people find their strengths, and in the process, we as mentors find new strengths in ourselves.

No amount of book learning prepares people for the experience of becoming a mortgage broker. As a mentee, you have a certain mindset, but having to talk to clients one to one and “undress them financially” changes one’s perspective.

A mentor’s job is to offer guidance and support as a new to industry mortgage broker adjusts to the reality of a world of many lenders and many credit policies to understand. Mentees are now responsible for the education of choice of a clients mortgage situation. That can be a heavy load for some. Throw in a plethora of ASIC rules and regulations to adhere to, and you have a perfect storm of stress and anxiety for anyone beginning their career, making good mentoring even more significant.

I have always viewed myself in this mentoring role as a partner in problem-solving as we establish goals and develop and refine learnings. Mentoring requires mentors to have a firm handle on themselves as learners before helping another person do the same. They must be empathetic listeners and willing to give critical feedback through affirmations, goal setting, and action planning.

Mentors must help new to industry mortgage brokers by letting them know that they are not alone and that everyone needs support.

With all my mentor/mentee relationships: the basis is trust, love, and care as we work together through the challenges and celebrate successes.

A mortgage broker business owner needs to be connected to an experienced mortgage broker mentor & coach who has proven systems and processes combined with global best practice business expertise to support and guide you to achieve success.

Find out more about the Empower Mentor Program.

❤️Sue Hayter helps all mortgage broker business owners 🏆Award Winning Expert Mortgage Broker Mentor, Coach and Trainer

💎With all my mentor/mentee relationships: the foundation is trust, love, and care as we work together through the challenges and celebrate successes.

💎I have always viewed myself in my mentoring role as a partner in problem-solving as we establish goals and develop and refine learnings.

💎Lending experience or no lending experience👉

💎I have 8 unique mentoring & coaching packages to suit your individual skill set, timeframes and circumstances.

More info: Expert Mortgage Broker Mentoring / Coaching Packages & Programs

 ✅Become a Mortgage Broker

 ✅Begin a New Career and be in Control of Your Destiny

 ✅Start your own business with an Inspirational Leader to guide YOU

 👉Contact Sue Hayter Award Winning Expert Mortgage Broker Mentor, Coach and Trainer.

Let’s have a chat to discover how I can help and support you