Believe in Yourself 👉You can make it🏆

“In business and your personal life, self-confidence is a prerequisite for taking massive action. You need to be able to believe in yourself 👉your abilities, skills and passions 👉to take the leap into entrepreneurship or any other aspiration🆗
Believing in yourself is the lynchpin of exceptional leadership, because self-confidence lets you manage and inspire others with assurance and direction. Learning how to believe in yourself is critical to creating the life you desire” 👉extract from Tony Robbins🆒👍
💥I’m passionate about helping mortgage brokers by positively supporting them in their personal and business journey. I constantly shower them with an abundance of love from my heart to inspire, motivate and propel them forward to success in our wonderful and also challenging financial industry😄
🌈I believe 👉 if you believe in yourself
If you are willing to work hard in your business
It doesn’t matter who you are
Or where you come from
Or what you look like
Or where you live
🌈It doesn’t matter whether you are black or white
Or Asian, or native Australian,
Or young or old
Or rich or poor,
Abled, disabled
Gay or straight
💥It gives me great pleasure to educate the mentees through mentoring, coaching and training. Reaching out to every individual 👉 inspiring them to believe in themselves and succeed. It is indeed a rewarding experience to upskill and empower them to become professional mortgage brokers and community leaders providing an excellent customer service and outcomes😍

If you need more information about becoming a mortgage broker and need an inspiring mortgage broker mentor, look at Sue Hayter’s exciting website

Inspiration from👉
Barack Obama’s Reelection Victory Speech
Tony Robbins

Mental Health and Well Being Habits 🙂

Are you managing your work life balance? Do you love your life?

Adopting certain habits gives one a competitive advantage 👉 turning an average performer into a high performer. High performers have simply mastered habits that matter most in reaching and sustaining long-term success in business and their lives ⭐️🆗🙂

👉Many of us may be feeling anxious and overwhelmed, sad, calm, stressed, confused, bored lonely, or all of these things at the same time.

🌈To help us cope, let’s each build a well being plan for ourselves, our families and maybe even for our teams in our business.

Here are some basic simple well being habits:

✴️Tip 1: Stick to routines or start new ones

Get up and go to sleep at a regular time. Get dressed, make your bed, exercise, keep up your hygiene standards, have breakfast. If you have a family, involve the children so that you have a family plan.

✴️Tip 2: Stay Connected.

Have video chats with your friends and colleagues. Open up about how you’re feeling and ask others how they are feeling. Check in with colleagues regularly, especially those who are alone.

✴️Tip 3: Engage in hobbies and things that you enjoy.

Read, sing, do puzzles, explore new recipes, sew, knit, sign up for new studies/courses.

✴️Tip 4: Set up a “Worry Window”

Write down all your worries though out the day and give yourself permission to only think about them at a specific time of the day. It’s a well known technique and it works.

✴️Tip 5: Engage in well being practices

🆗Exercise every day – make a plan for yourself, even if you just start off walking around the block. If you are able, choose a place that is safe and also gives you joy and peace.
🆗Keep a gratitude journal by writing down 3 things you are grateful for every day.
🆗Use meditation and mindfulness apps.
🆗Congratulate yourself and others on having a great day!

👉Remember lots of things have not been cancelled, like… music, reading, singing, laughing, dancing and HOPE.

Make sure YOU enjoy them🙂

🙂There are many places that I love to exercise so that I maintain a healthy life work balance. Jogging around Albert Park Lake is just one of the places that I have chosen because it is peaceful, has beautiful green grass 🌳trees, birds 🦜water, and above all – it is a safe place with like minded people.

🦆Over the last two years, 2 pairs of Pekin or White Pekin ducks (an American breed of domestic duck) have lived at the lake and over the last 4 months sadly only one white duck has remained. Today I noticed the lonely white duck has been joined by a green duck with a white bill. In all my research regarding Australian ducks – I cannot find any examples of the green duck with a white bill that is in my video & photo. I would appreciate it if a reader can give me some more information.

I Love my life❣️

Mortgage Broker Mentor – Positive Self Awareness 4U☝️

Working hard in your job or business, looking after your customers and noticing the months quickly rolling by? To help you stay grounded and focused, let’s consider Positive Self Awareness for ☝️ YOU 👉 feeding your soul.

Instead of just dealing with the mind, how do you build a relationship with your self awareness and the sensation inside your body so that you teach your body how to metabolise energy that comes into your body at the same rate that it goes out: therefore staying in a neutral state which enables you to positively manage the ups and downs of life. 🤔👉

Here are a few ways that you can build Positive Self Awareness within yourself which do not include rewarding yourself with food, alcohol, drugs, cigarettes, holidays, purchasing something to make you feel good.


🌼Jump up and down and feel the joy in doing so. When last did you actually do this? Try it and you might be surprised how energised you feel.✅👉

🌼Take the time to purposefully go to places you enjoy breathing in the scent of something eg: scented flower garden, the salty smell of the sea✅👉

🌼Take the time to stop and immerse yourself in surroundings that sound good to you eg: listening to the waves in the ocean, the leaves blowing in the trees, birds singing, your favourite music✅👉

🌼Take the time to stop and look at something that makes you feel good inside eg: garden of sunflowers, view of the landscape✅👉

Whilst doing these activities always have a positive attitude and transform any negative thoughts into positive thoughts. Your positive thoughts will lead to positive feelings and will feed your soul. 💥✅☝️

I love my live❣️ 👉 Love your life❣️

In Lockdown Again – set yourself new challenges

⭐️⭐️⭐️For divorced women living alone whose children are out of the house⭐️⭐️⭐️Love you life!
I felt inspired to write this article because it took me a few months to figure out a few things about myself and come to a successful conclusion. This article may or may not resonate with you, however, my wish is if it can help you, or even if it only helps one woman, then my wish will have been achieved😍
👉👉…And again, from 8 July 2020, all Melbournians are back in lockdown for 6 weeks, which of course includes me.
Well, this came as no surprise to me and I’m not even stressed about it.
Why? Let me explain…
👉During the first 6 week lockdown period starting from March 2020, almost the whole world was in lockdown. During this time I had a little wobbly moment which caused me to “book an appointment with myself” (so to speak) and have a good look at why I felt a little uneasy.
👉Looking historically at myself: I acknowledge that I’ve always been a “glass half full” kind of girl. I’m fortunate that I’ve never experienced depression or anxiety in any form. I’ve lived in 3 beautiful countries, travelled extensively, have an amazing career and 2 wonderful adult children who have great careers who live in their own homes and are independent of me. In fact, I often say that I’m a happy little munchkin and I love my life❣️
🔥So why did I have a little wobbly during the first lockdown?
👉It took me a few months of soul searching and I finally found the answer:
❤️In essence – I miss my children. It’s as simple as that! I’ve always had very strong maternal instincts and when they revealed that they were struggling with the concept of being locked down and the reality of the consequences of destruction that was moving rapidly around the globe – all I wanted to do was immediately go and physically comfort them. I wanted to cuddle them and have the 3 of us with our arms around each other in a group hug❤️
I was overwhelmed because I was prevented from doing this and it was at this point that I felt very heart sore;
🔥A) Because I couldn’t have any physical contact with them. Even worse, my son lives in London and neither of us could get on a plane to visit each other.
🔥B) I didn’t have a trusted partner to turn to and confide in him.
💥Results of A: Upon further examination of myself, in order to satisfy my strong maternal instincts, I discovered that I have a strong desire to look after something living every day which involves feeding and loving them – with myself receiving love in return. This explains why I have 3 of the most wonderful cats whom love me unconditionally.
💥Results of B: I’ve come to the conclusion that I have possible trust and commitment issues. Since my divorce, I’ve always been very comfortable with my own company, keeping everyone at arm’s length. In fact, I have not had the slightest inkling of looking for a partner or even attempting to use an online dating site. Many of my female friends don’t understand my thinking and they try to encourage me to start dating. Whilst I enjoy socialising and always have a good laugh, I also enjoy my own company and I have to admit I might even be classified as a bit of a loner.
👉In order to achieve the results of A & B, I embarked on a number of self-development strategies. I reached out for guidance from my mentor and I also completed “homework” tasks that I allocated to myself. I had to dig very deep to complete my homework which made me feel very vulnerable (and a bit of an idiot) – a feeling which I’m not accustomed to due to the fact that I’m always in “protection mode” not trusting anyone by keeping everyone at arm’s length from me.
👉In conclusion: I’m back to being a happy little munchkin and I have promised myself (yes! It’s a commitment to myself) to be more open minded to everyone going forward. At the same time, I’m still completely comfortable with my own company and my fur kids😻😻😻
🌺New challenges🌺
👉👉I’m taking advantage of the next 6 weeks and have given myself 1 personal challenge and 1 business challenge. I’m super pumped to achieve to my new goals!😍
If you want to know more about my personal development strategies in this article, you are welcome contact me.

How to Maintain Your Sense of Humour During ISO

I’m normally a glass half full kind of person – I’m usually a happy little bunny that looks at the bright side of life😊⭐️🌹Love your life!
However, working from home and after many weeks in lockdown, I must confess that I managed to loose my sense of humour once or twice😳🤭
A sense of humour can be an amazing line of defence when it comes to coping with stress. Unfortunately, stress is inevitable and you can’t eliminate it, despite your best efforts. You can, however, better prepare yourself for stress with several coping techniques👍
Developing a sense of humour about life’s challenges is a great place to start. A sense of humour will help you to build resilience to stress as well as improve your overall physical and emotional health👍
Luckily, it’s not too hard to develop a healthy sense of humour – but it does require a bit of practice. Here are a few ways to find the funny side of life and cope better with stress😄👍
🔵Start With a Smile
Even if you fake a smile (making the physical shape with your mouth), it can lead to increased happiness (not just looking happier). This is because the act of smiling (real or fake) causes your body to release feel-good endorphins. Plus, a fake smile tends to lead to a genuine one – and this means that laughter will come more easily, and the stress will melt more readily.
🔵Take a Step Back
When you’re in the middle of a difficult situation, it can seem overwhelming. Taking a step back and viewing your situation as an observer can help you see your situation with a new lens. This is called reframing……and it works.
🔵Find Your Own Happy Niche🤣
I love travelling and exploring, but essentially, I’m a home body. I love my home and I felt that the lock down robbed me of my freedom to come and go as I pleased. I felt trapped.
Fortunately, in Melbourne, we are permitted to leave the house to exercise and I took full advantage of this every day👍To prevent myself from getting board with just walking around the block, I made a plan to embark on exciting educational activities which included exploring areas of Melbourne whilst jogging, cycling and walking❤️🚴‍♀️🏆🏃‍♀️
Let your serious side disappear and give yourself permission to have some innocent silly fun to make you actually laugh out loud🤣
In the photo taken today: Sue is “holding up” the container ship as it’s gliding into Melbourne harbour. My daughter took the photos and we both burst out laughing with the many funny/silly poses I was performing…..🤣
I can honestly say that all these activities helped me stay balanced and focussed with getting through each week😊

Inspirational Exploration – Inspo 1

Continuing with my theme of keeping myself fit and healthy, I’ve embarked on my “Inspirational Exploration” journey. 😍🏆 What on earth is Sue talking about you may ask?
👇👇👇👇Love your Life!
Let me explain: It entails a combination of exercise (on foot or bicycle) and education which results in me feeling enormously inspired😍❤️
This is my first “Inspirational Exploration” post with many to follow. It is my hope that I will have inspired you to embark on your own inspirational journey, whatever that may be. 👍 Even if I have inspired only one person 👉 I will be happy❤️
Exploring Melbourne’s sporting precincts & other famous Arts & Cultural venues
Discovering successful sporting & other famous personalities
Running shoes
A zest for life
Keeping fit & healthy
Appreciation of successful sporting & other famous personalities
🧡Inspiration is important in our lives because it awakens us to new possibilities by allowing us to go beyond our ordinary experiences and limitations in our business and also in our home life.
🧡Inspiration propels a person from apathy to possibility, and transforms the way we perceive our own capabilities.
🧡I’m forever grateful that I have my health to jog or cycle past many inspirational sporting personalities like Lou Richards and also the freedom to explore the famous Melbourne sporting precincts.
🏈The statue of Lou Richards is magnificently situated in the Melbourne Olympic Park setting, in between The Glass House and The Holden Centre which is the home of Collingwood AFL. More about Lou Richards in Inspirational Exploration Inspo 2
🏈Olympic Park is an important feature of Melbourne’s sporting culture. Nestled between the Yarra River and Melbourne Park, it has enjoyed a strong connection to the people of Melbourne since the city’s foundation and has seen a cavalcade of champions across several sports.

Lou Richards

Inspirational Exploration – Inspo 2

Inspiration is a feeling of enthusiasm I get from someone or something😍
This feeling also goes on to give me new and creative ideas in my business and personal life😍
Being a sporting person myself, I can always relate to how hard successful sporting personalities have worked to achieve their results🏆
We are all inspired by different things and in different ways. Inspiration is all around us and can appear at a moment’s notice🆗👉
For example:
🧡You may see a young man helping an elderly woman with her groceries and get inspired to help others.
🧡You may read an inspirational quote and get inspired to finish your work project.
👉The trick is to learn how to tap into this inspiration that’s constantly around you all the time…
I’m forever grateful that I have my health and the freedom in Melbourne to jog past many sporting personalities like Lou Richards😍
🏈Lewis Thomas Charles “Lou” Richards, MBE (15 March 1923 – 8 May 2017) was an Australian rules footballer who played 250 games for the Collingwood Football Club in the Victorian Football League (VFL) between 1941 and 1955. He captained the team from 1952–55, including a premiership win in 1953.
🏈At the risk of seeming trite, it might be suggested that Lewis Thomas Charles Richards was the personification of the Collingwood Football Club, an organisation which was the focal point in his life for close to 80 years. His most enduring contribution to the club came during his 15-season, 250-game VFL career there as a player.
🏈Tough, courageous and – perhaps most distinctively of all – lippy, he was one of football’s great characters of the 1940s and ’50s. His urgency and desperation made him a firm favourite at Victoria Park, while his cheeky demeanour made him Public Enemy Number One as far as most opposition teams, and their supporters, were concerned.
🏈Appointed Collingwood captain in 1952, he led the side to a Grand Final win over Geelong the following year, and carried on as skipper until he finished as a player. Always a danger near goals, he topped the Magpies’ goal kicking list on three occasions, but perhaps surprisingly never won a club best and fairest award. After his retirement, Lou Richards became a successful and popular media identity, renowned for his wit, passion, and, most particularly, his ‘kiss of death’ tipping.
🏈After he died, aged ninety-four, on 8th May 2017 he was granted a state funeral by the Victorian Government.
Reference: Extract taken from