Here is an article I found on the My Virtual Salesforce website blog. It has some interesting tips for small business owners and entrepreneurs. Take a look and see what you think you can take away from this.  If you need more information on how to become a mortgage broker or you need a mentor, look at our exciting website

As a small business owner or entrepreneur, you absolutely need to make the most of every second, in every single day.

It’s not like you’re just going to wake up in the morning and have all the pieces of the puzzle get magically glued together for you.

What top entrepreneurs and small business owners do, is they plan for their success. Way in advance. And you can do the same. But it takes a certain mindset, as well as knowing what to do, and how to do it.

For these reasons, I’ve listed seven of the top small business and entrepreneur tips below, in the hopes that you can pick up one or two of them and implement them into your life, starting today.

Make a Picture of Yourself
Draw out a picture of where you see yourself six months from now, and then a year from now. What does it look like… is it what you want it to be… if not, go back to the drawing board, figure out why it’s not looking the way you want it to, and find out a way to make the changes you need, so that you can achieve your goals.

Take Time to Talk
Paying attention to the person you’re talking to is vital to solid communication. You don’t want to be a “drive by shooting” when you’re talking to people. Invest the time and effort into the other person when you’re listening to them, and you’ll reap the rewards of improved relationships in the future.

Do Worst to First
Do the most aching things you have to do on any given day first. This way you clear away all the clutter of what you don’t like, and you can focus on what you do like the remainder of the day. You want your mind to be free to think clearly throughout the day, so get those things you like the least, out of your way early in the day.

Stick to the Basics
Every once in a while you need to go out on a limb and stretch yourself into new areas, but don’t forget about the basics of what got you to where you are today i.e. talking to people, listening to people, helping people, and just being a solid person to everyone you come in contact with, day in, and day out. The basics work, that’s why they’re called “basics,” so don’t lose sight of that.

Stay Aggressive
You need to keep that inner drive going and continue to throw away any excuses that pop up along your journey. Just like in a sports game, you need to have some spark to make things happen. Being aggressive is not being stupid… it’s calculating the risks in advance and making educated decisions based off of the information you have.

Ask for Help
Being confused and not asking for help is flat out insane behaviour. If you don’t know something, ask for help, it’s that simple. Yes, it’s tough for most people to ask for help, but once you do it a few times you get over the fear of asking, and it just becomes second nature to you. Give it a try a few weeks and see how it works for you.

Speak Clearly and Precisely
You want to get your point across by clearly communicating your message via verbal communication. Verbal communication is vitally important in today’s world of online meetings and hangouts, and the more clear and precise you are, the much better off you’ll be. If you’re speaking at an event or giving a demonstration, have an outline of what you’re going to say so that you can stay on track.

That’s all of the fast track entrepreneur and small business tips for today. Now that you know what to do, go out and do it.

Written by Brandon Schaefer, posted 11th May, 2016.